четверг, 27 марта 2014 г.

...friday's mood...

Good day all my sweet readers!!!
Outside stay a real March weather. Cold and sunny - a perfect start to the new friday's day ^_^.
So,I decided make a spring mood board...
Mood of spring, warmth and wind - this is the basic idea of this board...
I hope U enjoy it...

пятница, 14 марта 2014 г.

...March...exhibition "Samurai. 47 Ronin "....

...For a long time I could not get to this event, and it happened!!!
The interesting exhibition dedicated to the heroism of the 47 samurai and their way of life ..
I share impressions ...

...house and life of samurai...

...this lobster is completely made of ivory, a masterpiece...

...armor of warriors...

...and details...


...at the end of the exhibition, in hall...