Week Cycles and Seasons by MasterCard will be held in Moscow from 27 to 30 March...It starts March 27 contest of young talents, and then taken up by the baton of fashion Nina Donis (March 28), Vic Gazinskaya (March 29) and Alexander Terekhov (March 30)...
all info waiting at site:
http://www.ninadonis.com/ru_news.html - Nina Neretina & Donis Pupis - designers brand "Nina Donis"
all info waiting at site:
http://www.ninadonis.com/ru_news.html - Nina Neretina & Donis Pupis - designers brand "Nina Donis"
http://www.vikagazinskaya.com/ - designer Vika Gazinskaya
http://www.alexanderterekhov.com/ru - designer Alexander Terekhov